Alright, let’s talk about this script drama thing, you know, like them movies and TV shows. I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, but I watch a lot of TV, so I kinda get it, ya know? My old man always said, “Keep it simple, stupid,” and that’s what I think about this script stuff too.
What’s a Script Anyway?
Well, from what I gather, a script is like a blueprint for a movie. It tells the actors what to say and do, and it tells the camera guys where to point their thingamajigs. It’s gotta be clear, or else nobody knows what the heck is goin’ on. It’s like a recipe for a cake, but instead of flour and sugar, you got words and actions.
Common Mistakes Them Script Folks Make
Now, even them fancy pants writers make mistakes. Nobody’s perfect, not even that fella on the TV who always plays the doctor. Here’s what I heard some folks complainin’ about:
- Makin’ it Too Complicated: Some folks, they try to be too clever, addin’ all sorts of twists and turns. It’s like tryin’ to put too many spices in a stew. It just makes your head spin, and you can’t taste the meat, ya know? Keep it straight, keep it simple, that’s what I say.
- Bad Talkin’ Parts: Sometimes, them characters say things that just don’t sound right. Like, nobody talks like that in real life. It’s gotta sound natural, like you’re just chattin’ with your neighbor over the fence. Don’t be puttin’ no big fancy words in there, unless the person talkin’ is supposed to be a fancy pants professor or somethin’.
- Characters That Ain’t Got No Life: You ever see a movie where the people just seem… flat? Like cardboard cutouts? Yeah, that’s bad. Your characters gotta have some life to ‘em, some personality. They gotta want somethin’, they gotta be afraid of somethin’. They gotta be real, even if they ain’t.
- Scenes That Go On and On: Some scenes, they just drag on forever, like a bad sermon. Nothin’ happens, nobody says nothin’ important. It’s just filler. Every scene gotta have a purpose, gotta move the story along. Don’t waste my time, that’s what I say. Get to the point!
- Ignoring What Folks Think: Now, this is a big one. If you show your script to someone, and they tell you somethin’ ain’t right, don’t go gettin’ all huffy. Listen to ‘em! Maybe they got a point. It’s like when your kids tell you the potatoes are burnt. You don’t argue, you just make new potatoes! Feedback is important.
- Messy Lookin’ Script: Apparently, there’s a right way and a wrong way to make a script look. Like, you gotta have certain things in certain places. I don’t know all the details, but it’s like makin’ a quilt. You gotta have the squares lined up right, or it looks like a dog’s breakfast.
Why a Good Script Matters
You might be thinkin’, “Why all the fuss? It’s just a movie.” Well, lemme tell you, a good script is important. It’s the foundation of the whole shebang. If the script ain’t good, the movie ain’t gonna be good, no matter how many fancy explosions they put in it. A good script helps the director, the actors, everyone knows what they’re doin’.
Planning is Key
And another thing, them script writers, they gotta plan ahead. They can’t just start writin’ and hope for the best. It’s like buildin’ a house. You gotta have a plan, or your walls gonna be crooked and your roof gonna leak. They gotta think about the story, the characters, the whole darn thing before they even start typin’. Thinkin’ ahead saves a whole lotta trouble later on. Like my grandma used to say, “Measure twice, cut once.”
Spelling and Grammar, That Matters Too
Now, I ain’t sayin’ you gotta be a genius to write a script, but you gotta at least spell things right and use proper words. It’s like wearin’ clean clothes to church. It shows you care, ya know? If your script is full of mistakes, nobody gonna take you serious. Even I know that, and I never even finished high school.
Don’t Be Callin’ Women Names
And one more thing. I heard some folks sayin’ writers shouldn’t be describin’ their female characters as “sexy” or nothin’. And I agree. Women are more than just their looks, ya know? They’re smart, they’re strong, they’re funny. Treat ‘em with respect, on paper and in real life. It’s just common decency, somethin’ some folks seem to forget these days.
In Conclusion
So, there you have it. My two cents on this whole script drama thing. Like I said, I ain’t no expert, but I know what I like. And I like stories that are simple, clear, and have characters I can care about. And I reckon that’s what most folks want too. So, to all you script writers out there, remember what I said: Keep it simple, make it real, and don’t forget your spellin’ book!