Beauty Quizzes: What Them Beauty Gurus Don’t Want You to Know!
Alright, alright, listen up! You young folks with your fancy phones and them beauty gurus always yakkin’ on the internet, think you know everything, huh? Well, I’m here to tell ya, some of that stuff is just plain hogwash! And these here beauty quizzes? They can be tricky little things, I tell ya! Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.
First off, they got these quizzes about lipstick. Lipstick, can you believe it? They’ll show you two pictures, one with some high-falutin’ lipstick that costs a month’s worth of eggs, and the other with somethin’ you can get at the drugstore for a few pennies. And they ask you, “Can you tell which is which?” Well, let me tell ya, half the time, I can’t! And I’ve been wearin’ lipstick since before you were born!
- Sometimes the drugstore stuff looks just as good, maybe even better!
- Don’t go breakin’ the bank just because some fancy lady on the internet tells you to.
Then they got them quizzes about skincare. Oh, lordy, the skincare! They talk about all these fancy creams and serums and whatnot. “Anti-aging” this and “wrinkle-reducing” that. I’ll tell you what reduces wrinkles: good ol’ fashioned hard work and staying out of the sun! And plenty of water. Don’t forget the water!
They’ll ask you questions like, “What ingredient is best for fighting age spots?” And half the time, the answers are words I can’t even pronounce! But you know what? A good night’s sleep and a smile on your face do more for ya than all them fancy creams put together.
And don’t even get me started on the makeup quizzes! They’ll show you a picture of some girl with a face full of paint and ask you how to recreate the look. I’ll tell ya how: you don’t! You just wash your face, put on a little bit of rouge, and you’re good to go. You don’t need to spend an hour in front of the mirror every morning. You got things to do!
These quizzes, they try to make you think you need all this stuff to be beautiful. But that’s just not true. Real beauty comes from inside. It comes from being kind, being honest, and being happy with who you are. That’s the real secret, and them beauty gurus ain’t gonna tell you that!
Now, I ain’t saying there’s anything wrong with wanting to look nice. But don’t get sucked in by all the hype. Don’t let them quizzes tell you that you need to spend a fortune to be beautiful. You’re beautiful just the way you are.
And if you do take these quizzes, take ’em with a grain of salt. Don’t take ’em too seriously. They’re just for fun, right? Just like them magazines with all the skinny models on the front. That ain’t real life, honey. Real life is wrinkles and laugh lines and sunspots. And that’s okay. It shows you’ve lived!
So, next time you see one of these beauty quizzes, just remember what I told you. Don’t let ’em fool ya. You’re smarter than that. You know what makes you beautiful. And it ain’t some fancy cream or a tube of expensive lipstick. It’s YOU.
And that’s the truth, whether them beauty gurus like it or not! So go on, take them quizzes if you want to have a little fun, but remember, don’t let those questions make you feel less than the amazing person you are. You got this!
One more thing about these quizzes… they never ask you the important stuff, like “Can you tell if a watermelon is ripe by thumpin’ it?” Now that’s a quiz I’d ace! Or how about, “How long can you make a jar of homemade jam last?” Now them’s the real skills you need in life! Not all that fancy makeup mumbo jumbo.
Anyways, I’ve said my piece. Just remember, you are beautiful, you are strong, and you don’t need no silly quiz to tell you that.
Tags: [beauty, quizzes, makeup, skincare, lipstick, anti-aging, wrinkles, drugstore beauty, beauty tips, self-care]